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A Maya Grammar

Alfred M. Tozzer

[PDF.az54] A Maya Grammar

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A Maya Grammar   Alfred M. Tozzer book review
A Maya Grammar   Alfred M. Tozzer summary

 | #7272392 in Books |  1921-08-03 |  9.21 x.80 x6.14l, | File type: PDF | 320 pages

||0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.| this is a great grammar. It's well-researched and though a little dry ...|By zach|Whether you're interested in Maya or general linguistics, this is a great grammar. It's well-researched and though a little dry stands up as one of the best grammars of the early 20th century.
My only problem is the spelling system. Tozzer had no idea how much Maya spelling would change after

Early and indispensible study of Maya language, published for the Peabody Institute. A must-have for any student of the Maya.

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.A Maya Grammar   |  Alfred M. Tozzer. A good, fresh read, highly recommended.

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