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An Archaeology of Social Space: Analyzing Coffee Plantations in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology)

James A. Delle

[PDF.yu67] An Archaeology of Social Space: Analyzing Coffee Plantations in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology)

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 |  James A Delle |  2013-05-31 |  2013-12-31 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.02 x.61 x5.98l,.80 | File type: PDF | 243 pages

 | An Archaeology of Social Space Analyzing Coffee Plantations in Jamaica s Blue Mountains Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology

|| |`Valuable...This theoretically sophisticated work belongs in serious anthropology, geography, plantation, and Caribbean studies collections. Upper-division undergraduates and above.'
Choice (November 1998)

James Delle has solved a number of problems in Caribbean archaeology with An Archaeology of Social Space. He deals with most of the problems by using historical archaeology, and clearly implicates Ameri­ canist prehistorians. Although this book is about coffee plantations in the Blue Mountains area of Jamaica, it is actually about the whole Caribbean. Just as it is about all archaeology, not only historical archaeology, it is also a book about colonialism and nationa...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.An Archaeology of Social Space: Analyzing Coffee Plantations in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology)   |  James A. Delle.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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